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About Thunderbird Outfitters

Thunderbird Outfitters is an all-inclusive waterfowl outfitter located in Saskatchewan, Canada. We offer fall waterfowl hunts that take place in September and October, as well Spring Snow Goose hunts in April and May.

We exclusively host private groups of 5–8 hunters, to offer quality hunts with a personal experience. As the only group in our lodge, you'll enjoy great hunts, awesome accommodations, and exceptional meals prepared by our chef.

Our mission is to provide an unforgettable hunting adventure with world-class service and hospitality.  

What We Offer

Fall hunts include lodging, meals, licenses, ammo, a shotgun, and bird cleaning.

Spring hunts include lodging, meals, licenses, ammo, a shotgun and bird cleaning.

Hunt Dates

- Fall Waterfowl Hunts: September 1 - November 15

- Spring Snow Goose Hunts: April 18th - May 15th


How We Started?

Thunderbird Outfitters started in 2021 with the goal in offering world class hunting in our favorite place to hunt on the planet. We have been fortunate to have some great hunts with some amazing people along the way.

I grew up in Virginia and have been fortunate to guide and work in the hunting industry since 2017. I have worked on the marketing side as well as the guiding and outfitting side. Outfitting is my passion. I get to do what I love everyday and I am super grateful to have that opportunity.

It was named after my dad who passed away in 2020. He had a 1956 Thunderbird that he had since he was 16 years old. So I felt like it was a great name for my outfitter.

Our Team

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Nick Costas




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Lyndon Smith




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Hunter Pickett




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Drew Freymond




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Colby Thauberger




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Karinne Seiferling




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